These days we all have the security of our house as a top priority, and rightly so. Burglary is one of the most distressing experiences that anyone can endure. Perhaps not so high on that list, however, is the security of our garage. But if you stop and think about what your garage contains and what the cost would be to replace it all, it makes sense to give it a little more attention. Many people keep expensive electrical tools there, such as a pressure washer, a lawnmower, tools and more besides. All of these things can add up to many thousands of pounds, so here are a few tips to keep your possessions safe.
It comes as little surprise that the most common way an intruder will gain access is through either windows or doors. The statistics can be eye-opening. If your garage has windows, make sure these are secure. Plain window glass can be broken quickly, easily, and with relatively little noise, so it is a good idea to put a security grill of some kind behind them or replace the glass with polycarbonate sheeting.
If the glass is clear, it also makes sense to obscure it in some way. A burglar is more likely to attempt entry if they can see a range of expensive items rather than go to the trouble of breaking in purely in the hope you have valuables there. Check the window locks are adequate and still working.
When it comes to the doors, most people presume garage doors are big, chunky, and secure but it isn’t necessarily true. Older wooden or cheap garage doors may need replacing. In many cases, these are simply too flimsy or made from softwood to secure properly. Modern doors are made very much with security in mind and specialists such as can provide secure garage doors Gloucester and elsewhere across the country.
Even if you have more modern garage doors, it is still worth putting extra locks on them, even the up-and-over style doors can be entered by experienced criminals. Another factor to consider is security lighting. Go for motion sensors rather than lights that stay on all night because the surprise can unnerve a casual burglar. LED floodlights with PIR detectors are now available at very low prices and are cheap to run.